Day 18: Where for art thou Cotswolds?

After a delightful sleep and a fullfling breakfast we were sent off smiling from ear to ear onto our next destination in the Cotswolds! Arriving into Stratford Upon Avon for a pic nic and a little bit of sightseeing. 

'As one gazed uponeth the Stratford canal, one took delightfully unto a stool for the rested and bewildered! Unraveling hand knitted sandwiches, lovingly prepared for the travellers and popping openeth the Pringles, we sat amongst the droplets of rain underneath the crochet canopy!'
(note the use of an alliteration, and metaphor!😂)

We left the home town of Shakespeare and travelled through a mixed bag of weather through to the hills of the Cotswolds! Having tried some tagliatelle and beef from a cow off BBC country file, in the Kings Arm we headed off to bed! 


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